My stuff. Their stuff. And nostalgic stuff. This is the blog of Erin Hanson, Recovering Lazyholic.
Double Take
“I swear I saw someone that looked just like you the other day.” Have you heard this before? I know I have at least once or twice. When that’s happened, curiosity washes over me. I want to see! Or do I?
Barrel of Links: Your Weekly Brain Escape
The world is disappointing. The world wide web doesn’t have to be. Enjoy these links and your weekend…
Remake Rivalry
I remember a compilation CD I had years ago called Golden Throats, which was a collection of celebs from the 60s singing well-known songs. It was more kitschy than quality, a special kind of tortured lounge — funny, but not something you’d put on repeat. When I think of covers, that’s where my head goes first. Or wedding bands you see in movies that are the butt of a joke.
Leslie Lewis Sigler
When I was a teenager — barely an adult — I babysat for a family. Every day I picked up the girls from school, took them to their respective after-school activities, tried to keep the peace in moments of sibling squabbling, watched tv, or honestly did whatever they asked me to do.
Thanks, but No Thanks
Good intentions often fail. One for me is forgetting to bring my own bag when I shop. It’s rare, but when it happens it’s a real kick in the pants. This is eco-friendly 101; it should be easy! And if I forget the easy one how will I ever reshape my whole day-to-day routine in an effort to exile plastic from my life, which is something I’d love to do if not completely, significantly.
Maria Pymachenko
I’m a bit ashamed to have discovering Maria Pymachenko’s art only recently. Her name was in the news when many of her works, housed in a Ukraine museum, were destroyed by Russian attacks. Between global honors, accolades from Picasso, being commemorated on a coin, and an asteroid named after her clearly I’m part of a minority living in the dark. She is so recognized that even a well-known textile brand copied her.
Make: Milk Street Recipes
When it comes to cooking I’m a late bloomer. If I lived by myself — no husband, no child — that blooming would likely never have happened. One of the things I’m laziest about is eating — not the act of, but the preparation. So lazy am I that even fast food is effort. I’m a grabber, and proximity is important. I will eat chips, plain tortillas, a cookie and call it done, fueled by just enough processed garbage to make my stomach stop growling.
Flights of Fancy
Perfectly serene, remarkably detailed, and a marvel of movement I can’t get enough of these videos shot by Dr. Adrian Smith.
Walk This Way
With cooler weather here, my seasonal shift from sock stock piling to sock wearing has begun — visual pull is now joined by a call for comfort and warmth. I love the magical time when hoarding has a pay-off.
Subtraction Attraction
Looney Tunes is synonymous with slapstick. Watching any episode I can’t imagine that many kids took / take much notice of the backgrounds in which Elmer hopelessly hunted, the Road Runner pummeled, Pepe p.u.’d, and Bugs Bunny said “What’s Up”.
Come for the whimsy. Stay for the message. I’m immediately drawn to Angela Deane’s work — taking found photos and transforming them into surreal otherworldly oddities through selective painting (now that’s some old school photoshop).