The Pegasus Project
In Dave Meinert's own words:
When I rescued Pegasus, I was told she wouldn't live too long so I set about filming her every day... Update: A lot of people have asked about her now. I never thought it would get so much interest. This video is a chronicle of our time together, which I finished making a while ago.
My heart just exploded.
Perfectly serene, remarkably detailed, and a marvel of movement I can’t get enough of these videos shot by Dr. Adrian Smith.
Underlook is a project by photographer Andrius Burba. He ingeniously captures images of various animals from, well, underneath, with sometimes adorable, sometimes comedic, sometimes abstract results. Seeing as this weekend will involve some egg laying bunnies for many of you I thought it appropriate to feature his rabbit series; however you should check out the rest of his work -- cats, dogs, HORSES. This feature on the latter is also worth a read for behind the scenes details.
Sophie Gamand, of Wet Dog fame, most recently launched a new series titled Flower Power. Through her photographs she raises awareness of pit bulls in need of adoption.
They just don’t make them like they used to. Even though my daughter is now a bit beyond first readers it would be such a thrill if she brought this home from school. There are 104 pages (!!) of dressed up cats, cute captions, and lovely hand drawn frames. And there’s a story in there somewhere too.